Minute of the hour Set to a number between 0 – 59 for the corresponding minute of the hour or * for every minute |
Hour of the day Set to a number between 0-23 for the corresponding hour of the day or * for every hour |
Day of the month Set to number between 1-31 for the corresponding day of the month or * for every day |
Month of the year Set to a number between 1-12 for the corresponding month of the year or * for every month You can use the name of the month of the year as well eg. march (not case sensitive) |
Day of the week Set to a number between 0-7 for the corresponding day of the week (0 or 7 is Sunday) You can use the name of the day of the week as well. Eg. Tuesday (not case sensitive) |
Beginning of the command line Here you specify the path to PHP or Perl and any flags you might need. |
The path to your script Specify the path to your script that you want to run. |