Help Guides and Tutorials

On this page you'll find a list of tutorials to get you up and running as quickly as possible. If you have trouble doing anything in the system, keep an eye on the yellow notes at the top of each screen. They contain links to help files (just like this one) that offer more information.


  1. Sending your first email campaign
  2. Adding a Subscription Form to Your Web Site
  3. Collecting Additional Information (First Name, Age, etc) From Contacts
  4. Adding Contacts: A Quick Tutorial
  5. Increase Your Email Open Rate By Improving Your Subject Lines
  6. Avoiding the Spam Filters and Other Email Marketing Tips
  7. How to Setup an Autoresponder
  8. Auto Responders: The Marketers Magic Trick
  9. Example: Creating Profitable Real Estate Leads
  10. Setting Up Scheduled Sending and Autoresponders Using Cron
  11. Sending Emails Based on Contact Segmenting
  12. The 12 Most Popular Headlines of All Time

Sending your first email campaign
Getting started sending emails is easy, but there are steps you need before you can get started. In this tutorial we'll cover everything you need to send your first email campaign, including creating a contact list, importing contacts, creating a subscription form for your web site and finally, sending your email campaign to your contact list.

Adding a Subscription Form to Your Web Site
Using the system's built-in form generator, you can easily add a professional looking contact signup form to your web site and start collecting leads in minutes.

Collecting Additional Information (First Name, Age, etc) From Contacts
Collecting your visitors email address is fine, but what about when you want to personalize your email communications? That's where custom fields come in. Custom fields allow you to collect additional pieces of information from your contacts, such as name, age, sex and location. In this article we'll look at a simple example of using custom fields to improve email response rates.

Adding Contacts: A Quick Tutorial
What's an email marketing tool without a contact list to send your emails to? In this tutorial you'll learn how easy it is to add contacts to your contact list in 3 ways: uploading a file from your computer, creating a subscription form for your web site, and adding contacts manually by typing them into the system.

Increase Your Email Open Rate By Improving Your Subject Lines
What's the point in sending out an email campaign if no body ever opens it? Use this tutorial to find out ways to improve your email open rate simply by writting better subject lines.

Avoiding the Spam Filters and Other Email Marketing Tips
Each email you send has the possibility of not reaching your intended recipient. Instead, it could get trapped in their spam or junk mail folder. In this tutorial we'll look at what you can do to reduce the chance that your email will be triggered as spam.

How to Setup an Autoresponder
Use autoresponders to automatically email your contacts at a time in the future after they have subscribed to your contact list. In this article we'll setup our first autoresponder to be sent to our contact list 24 hours after they subscribe.

Auto Responders: The Marketers Magic Trick
Sending emails to your contacts automatically at any time and date you specify is easy. In this tutorial we'll create our first autoresponder and you'll learn how and why to schedule a series of autoresponders to be sent to your contacts at different intervals.

Example: Creating Profitable Real Estate Leads
In this example you'll see how Jim - a fictional real estate agent from California - uses subscription forms, emails and autoresponders to create leads and implement a powerful follow up email system in under 20 minutes.

Setting Up Scheduled Sending and Autoresponders Using Cron
Scheduled sending of emails, autoresponders and sending without using the popup window method is powered by cron - a special program on your web server that can run a task at a certain time of the day. In this article you'll learn about cron, including how to setup the scheduled sending script for cron in Plesk, CPanel and via shell access.

Sending Emails Based on Contact Segmenting
In this tutorial you'll learn how to setup custom fields and capture the age and sex of every new contact. Then, we'll segment our contact list, sending an email campaign to males over 21 only.

The 12 Most Popular Headlines of All Time
Headlines are the most important part of an email, but what constitutes a good headline?